Blissy Vs Promeed Reviews: Are Blissy Silk Pillowcases Better Than Promeed?
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Are Promeed Silk Pillowcases Better Than other Brands?

The luxury of owning silk pillowcases goes beyond the glitz and glamour of having to sleep on them. Silk pillowcases offer more value than just pure aesthetics. Using a silk pillowcase has beauty benefits, from keeping the hair frizz-free and shiny to improving skin health. Those are just two of the many advantages of using silk pillow cases.

If you feel you deserve the very best pillowcases and consider buying a pair or two, chances are you will find an array of different brands of silk pillowcases. It could be confusing and hard to choose among them. We understand that as a consumer, you want the best value for your money, so we are making it easier for you to decide what brand of pillowcases to buy.

Promeed vs. Blissy: Which one is better?

Quick Brand Overview

  • Promeed seized the opportunity to stay at par with the big competitors in the silk pillowcase industry, and they are successful in doing that. Founded in 2021 with direct access to high-quality silk material and production, Promeed aims to provide quality-made silk pillowcases to everyone worldwide. The key is to have the most delicate silk raw material directly from the source, and have the pillowcases made by experts in processing silk, thus making it possible to offer luxury silk pillowcases at friendly price points.
  • Blissy is a brand favorite of celebrities and the who’s who in the entertainment industry. The company started in 2017 and was founded by two digital e-commerce enthusiasts who realized there was a void regarding quality silk pillowcases. Blissy went live online on their website in 2019, featuring white pillowcases offered in both queen and king sizes. The rest is history.

Promeed and Blissy Pillowcase Differences

The truth is, no pillowcase is created equal concerning branding, quality, and even business ethics. Although silk pillowcase manufacturers Promeed and Blissy utilize good quality silk material in making silk pillowcases, some differences would matter in choosing which brand would offer the best value for money. If you investigate closely and take a side step from the limelight, you will realize significant differences between these two silk pillowcase brands. There are factors that a wise consumer like you should consider.

  • 01

    Price Comparison: Promeed silk pillowcase is almost half the price. Why is Blissy so expensive?

    According to Blissy, their silk pillowcases are made from pure Mulberry silk and are quality handcrafted. This might well justify its brand’s reputation of offering luxurious silk products such as pillowcases. On the other hand, Promeed has the same high-caliber silk pillowcases also made from 100% Mulberry silk.

    If you shop around, most Blissy pillowcases have a price range of $62.97 to $82.46, according to pillowcase sizes. Compared with Promeed, their quality silk pillowcase ranges from $25 to $34, and it comes with a matching laundry bag.

    Many would wonder why Blissy has high-end price tags when both brands have the same material for their pillow cases. It is essential to consider why the cost for Blissy dramatically differs from other pillowcase brands such as Promeed. Marketing costs and promotional adverts could add up to their expensive price, usually a part of overhead expenses.

    promeed silk pillowcase

    Promeed Standard Silk Pillowcase: $24.99

    blissy silk pillowcase
    Blissy Standard Silk Pillowcase: $62.9
  • 02

    Let’s get into more details- is it worth to spend more on silk pillowcases? 

    • Promeed vs. Blissy Packaging 

    Packaging matters when buying stuff, whether online or from a physicalstore. The exterior package is essential in keeping your item protected andsafe from possible damages, especially when shipping out to delivery. When adelicate product such as silk pillowcases is packaged in flimsy material,chances are it would affect the quality, mainly when it stays in a stockroomfor some time, during transit and when you need to store it when not in use.

    Famous silk pillowcase brand Blissy is packed inside a paper box, whilePromeed silk pillowcase uses a more durable and soft packing material. Thisadvantage is that you can easily reuse Promeed’s package to keep yourpillowcases safe. At the same time, Blissy’s paper-made box is super thin,easily breakable, and would not give enough protection.

    Promeed package

    Promeed package is durable with big volume

    Blissy package
    Blissy package is breakagle with small volume

    • First Look Comparison: Initial impression for both Promeed and Blissy 

    Upon opening the packages, Blissy and Promeed silk pillowcases havefolds and crease lines. It is important to note that silk is a delicatematerial and can wrinkle easily. Natural fibers are not resistant to creases orfolds as synthetic ones. The soft and smooth texture of silk is prone towrinkling.

    promeed first look

    Promeed first look after unbox looks good

    blissy first look
    Blissy first look after unbox looks good

    • Material Comparison: Is there any difference?

    Both Promeed and Blissy pillowcases are made from the same 22mm 6AMulberry Silk which is of the highest material quality. However, Promeedutilizes the 3rd generation silk category, which has far more good qualities interms of performance. 

    promeed material

    Promeed uses 22mm 6A mulberry silk

    blissy material
    Blissy uses 22mm 6A mulberry silk

    • Momme Options Comparison: Which brand offers more options?

    Momme is the standard of measurement when it comes to measuring silkthickness. Blissy offers only one option, which is the 22mm silk pillowcase,while Promeed gives you more momme options, and their silk pillowcase isavailable in 19mm, 22mm, 23mm, and 25mm. Promeed provides consumers the libertyto choose which one they prefer.

    promeed momme options

    Promeed offers 19/22/23/25mm options

    blissy momme option
    Blissy offers only 22mm option

    • Zipper Quality & Details Comparison: Does an expensive silk pillowcase brand use a quality zipper and pay attention to details?

    Zippers should be of good quality for a specific product to last longer.Promeed uses a well-known Japanese brand of zipper YKK, which has been globallyrecognized by many leading industries for decades now. Blissy, on the contrary,uses a China-made THCE zipper, a brand that could not compete with YKK in termsof quality and market longevity.

    Regarding the zipper’s tail, meticulous buyers inspect a product’szipper to ensure quality. As with Promeed, the YKK quality brand zipper has alining along its tail that protects against rubbing and scratching, which isvital to protect the delicate silk fabric from scratching and rubbing. Blissysilk pillowcases have a cheaper brand zipper with no lining and tail exposedthat demerit the assumption of being a high-quality pillowcase brand.

    What's more, Promeed maximums the zipper's opening for customers easily putting the silk pillowcase on the pillow, while Blissy's zipper length does not make any improvement.

    promeed blissy zipper opening

    Promeed excellent zipper quality and details 

    promeed blissy zipper comparison
    Blissy mediocre zipper quality and details

    • Seams and Friction Factor Comparison: Does the amount of seam in a silk pillowcase matter?

    Seams on pillowcases are one way to achieve a neat, finished look. Butwhen it comes to silk fabrics, a smaller number of seams is the best. Silkfabrics with more seams will create more friction that could damage thedelicate silk fabric. Promeed has only one long seam, which is perfect for silkpillowcases resulting in zero friction between materials. Blissy has 2 longseams, which is not ideal for pillowcases made from pure silk.

    promeed blissy seam comparison

    • Product Information Card: Is information literature important?

    Information sheet often inserted on the packaging for products is anessential document that provides related content, including handling ofmerchandise, cleaning recommendations, and other vital info. Promeed’s infocard is done creatively, visually pleasing, and at the same time, full ofknowledge. In comparison, Blissy’s info card has no valuable data and is justirrelevantly plain boring.

    promeed blissy info card

    • Package Recyclability Comparison: Can you reuse it?

    Durable and with significant volume, Promeed's packaging design isaligned with an eco-friendly feature that customers could store some handyitems. Blissy's paper-thin package box design is not worth keeping since it'suseless to hold anything and will eventually be destined inside the garbagebin.

    promeed package recycle

    Promeed package recycle

    blissy package weak
    Blissy package no usage
  • 03

    Transparency in Reviews: Are online reviews accurate and genuine?

    In this digitalized world, most people rely on checking product reviews online. Is the question- are the reviews credible? From website reviews to online review platforms, wise consumers will decipher which ones are real and fake. Blissy claimed to have 70,000 5-Star reviews on its website. But when searching for actual brand reviews on Trustpilot, a warning will catch your attention, “We’ve found out that this company has been picking and choosing which customers it invites to write a review .”With this in mind, negative reviews are out of sight, and consumers will have no idea.

    Promeed silk pillowcases were only launched last year, and they don’t have enough reviews comparable to Blissy. On Promeed’s website,you will find 839 5-Star reviewsfrom actual customers and a five-star review on Trustpilot. Based on this data, the reviews and review numbers are deemed trustworthy and satisfactory.

    blissy silk pillowcase review
  • 04

    Extreme Marketing Efforts: Who’s actually paying for these?

    Just examine how Blissy invested so much effort and money in promoting their silk pillowcase brand online and in mainstream media. The lavish and grandiose PR media marketing campaigns have taken to the levels of Good Housekeeping, HDTV, and Glamour, to name a few, to build the brand image on a larger scale. Who’s shouldering these expensive marketing strategies? Yes, it’s the brand since they can demand a higher price on their products from the consumers. You see, for ridiculously priced Blissy pillowcases and with inferior quality, do you think it worth spending your hard-earned money on these?

Final Thoughts: Promeed Pillowcase Vs. Blissy Silk Pillowcase

The quest for the best silk pillowcases comes in a full circle now thatmore and more consumers are wiser in deciding which one to purchase. Peoplebase their retail preferences on an informed decision where every penny counts.Blissy offers the ‘glitz and glamour’ in silk pillowcases, which the brand istrying hard to justify. Considering Blissy’s mediocre quality standards inmanufacturing their popular silk pillowcases, you’ll realize that you can get abetter one through another brand. With Promeed slowly but surely inching itsway to the hearts and minds of valued consumers, needless to say, they offerexcellent quality silk pillowcases at a fraction of the cost of the leadingbrand. And that is something you can sweetly dream about when you get your headon good quality Promeed silk pillowcases.

Promeed Blissy Comparison
23 mm 6A+ Silk Pillowcase With Zipper With Laundry Bag - promeedsilk
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