




We confirm that all products that we delivered to Amazon is complied with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings. We do do not allow listings that violate the intellectual property rights of brands or other rights owners. This page provides information about intellectual property (IP) rights and common IP concerns that might arise when selling on Amazon. This is not legal advice. You should consult a lawyer if you have a specific question about your IP rights or the IP rights of others.


A trademark is a word, symbol or design, or a combination of the same (such as a brand name or logo) that a company uses to identify its goods or services and to distinguish them from other companies’ goods and services. Put another way, a trademark indicates the source of goods or services. Generally, trademark laws exist to prevent customer confusion about the source of goods or services.

Example: “promeed” is a trademark we use for many of our goods and services. Other trademarks contain both pictures and words, such as the “promeed” trademark.

A trademark owner usually protects a trademark by registering it with a country-specific trademark office (such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office). In some cases, a person or company might have trademark rights based on only the use of a mark in commerce, even though the mark was never registered with a country-specific trademark office. Those rights are known as “common law” trademark rights and can be more limited


To avoid causing confusion as to the source or affiliation of the goods as selling “promeed” products, here are several types of arrangement mode we may use in the following but not limited to the following places: packaging, official website, printings, labels and any form of electric documents, etc.

1) - with the word “promeed” underneath, a double “ee” picture shows at the above middle position

2) - with the word “promeed” underneath, a double “ee” picture shows at the above middle position

3) - with the word “promeed” at the right, a double “ee” picture shows at the left position

4) - with the word “promeed” underneath, a double “ee” picture shows at the right above when left aligned position

5) - with the word “promeed” underneath, a double “ee” picture shows at the right above when left side out of position

To visit all the logos and badges, click on the link below to locate the correct place: 



For any further reference, we here attach one of our product packaing for supplementary statement.

Qinxi Ding

Intellectual Property Department

99 Jiqing Road, B District, Room B-308, Suzhou,

Xiangcheng District, 215000, Jiangsu, CN

(+86) 189 1268 5926