


The Ultimate Guide to Distinguishing Real Silk from Fake Silk

Good To Know: How Is Silk Made?

Ever since human beings invented clothes, a variety of fibers have been discovered or invented to suit changes in time, climate, and fashion. Silk is one of many fabrics that have been invoked over millennia despite drastic changes in our taste since it was discovered as fine, strong, and lustrous.

Silk has been boring the world, the cultivation of silk and the craft of silk weaving is even more fascinating. We thought it would be interesting to get an insight into the story of a silk thread.

Let's begin with the backbone of sericulture, the silkworm. Commercial silk is obtained by cultivating different species of circular. The most widely and commercially used species is Bombyx Mori. Native to Asia, silkworms are soft-bodied, slow-moving, and relatively fast-growing insects.

Unlike other insects, silkworms go through 4stages of development: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults.

The larva is a caterpillar, the pupae are what the silkworm changes into after spinning its cocoon before emerging as a moth. Since the silkworm grows so drastically, it must shed its skin four times during its growth. These stages are within the stage of old installs. The eggs normally hatch during summers and go inside with the mulberry tree regaining its leaves after shedding them in winter.

Eggs hatch within 25 days depending on the weather. With warmer weather hastening the hatching process, a silkworm's preferred food is white mulberry leaves, though they may eat leaves of other mulberry species as well. Due to the practices of our ancestors, silkworms have become fully dependent on humans. They eat continuously and therefore need to be fed at least twice a day. Newly hatched silkworms are tiny and feed on young and tender mulberry leaf shoots.

The mature silkworms eat more mature leaves, as the pupae continuously eat. The containers get filled up with their excreta, these, therefore, need to be cleaned periodically. Furthermore, silkworms are prone to diseases. Farmers must maintain a high standard of hygiene for rearing and handling these precious creatures. In addition, the containers should be maintained in such a way as to prevent other insects like ants from invading.

After 20 to 33 days of constantly munching away mulberry leaves, the silkworms feel the urge to cocoon. At this stage, the silkworms are a pretty sight. They become translucent and acquire a yellowish shoe just before it begins cocooning. The silkworm excretes a runny fluid to clean out its system, it then uses a tiny drop of silk for anchoring, then it goes on to draw one long continuous filament of silk by swinging its head from side to side. It takes a silkworm around 48 hours to fully complete this process. The result is a perfectly ovate cocoon made of a single continuous strand of silk measuring up to 1 kilometer in length.

After 10 to 14 days of developing inside the chrysalis, the silk moth appears from the cocoon. Silk moths cannot fly due to thousands of years of domestication, they need human assistance in finding a mate and lack seer of potential predators.

However, almost immediately after emerging from their cocoons, male silk moths leave their containers in search of a female mate. Olfactory has on the male's antenna to help them detect pheromones released by the females. It is easy to distinguish between the male and female signals due to the slightly larger abdomen of the female. The males also tend to be more active. The average lifespan of silk moths is 5 to10 days, even though males generally live longer than their female counterparts. After mating, a female moth will lay between 300 to 500 eggs. The male moth lays up to 500 eggs before dying, but it is not too old to continue searching for another mate. Later eeling, or the process of drawing silk yarn, should be started before silk moths emerge from their cocoons.

Once the moths emerge, the shell is of nouse because the adult emerges by piercing the cocoon shell. To prevent this, cocoons are either dried in a dryer or stifled in steam. This action cues the pupae inside, thereby allowing farmers to obtain more cocoons fit for reeling.Before reeling, the cocoons are processed in hot water at 95 to 97 degreesCelsius for 10 to 15 minutes. This cooking makes the unwinding easier without breaking the thread. In India, silk is real on country-type charcoal or spinning wheels, but the silk thus produced is substandard, uneven, and carries many slugs.

Improved cottage-type or large-scale methods for the extraction of superior-quality fiber have been introduced in recent years. Once the silk is real, weavers and tailors put in their creativity, art, and labor to create drapes and fabrics to cater to the demands of the market.

Genuine Silk Vs Fake Silk: What’s The Difference?

Silk is a luxurious natural fiber that has been prized for thousands of years for its beauty, strength, and softness. Silk is a premium and luxurious textile that has been highly sought-after forcenturies. However, with the rise of online shopping, it has become easier for sellers to pass off fake silk as the real thing. To ensure you're buying genuine silk, look for certifications from reputable organizations, examine the fabric for irregularities and imperfections, and check the price, as real silk is often more expensive than fake 

Characteristics Of Genuine and Fake Silk

Silk, real silk is made from the fibers found in the cocoons produced by the silkworm. Silk is a luxurious and elegant fabric that has been treasured for centuries for its beauty, strength, and softness. But with the rise of synthetic fabrics, it can be tough to tell the difference between genuine silk and imitations. In this guide, we'll uncover the key differences between real and fake silk, including where they come from, their properties, and how they're made. 

The Real Deal: What Is Genuine Silk?

  • Very strong

  • Soft waxing feel

  •  Shines and shimmers

  •  Luxurious drapes

  • Dry clean only

  • Saved easily

  •  Requires lining or it will rot

  •  Stains easily

  • Expensive

Not the Real Thing: What is Fake Silk?

  • Made of polyester or rayon imitationsilk

  • Rich, vibrant colors

  • Very reasonable price point

  • Softened drape

  •  Level shiny

  • Can be ironed

  • Durable

  • Washable

Both when choosing which fabric to use for your decorating project, you must decide what matters most to you. Some folks look and feel so close to real silk no one but you will know. If you want the real thing then focus on yourself. You can use fake silk to make fabulous drapes.

How Do I Know If My Silk Is Real?

1. Read the product label

Before you buy silk, always keep an eye on the label and make sure that it is written 100%pure silk.

2. Appearance

Real silk shines on sunlight and gives aglossy appearance.

3. Weave

The quality of weaving determines the genuine silk, there must be some imperfections because it's often handmade.

4. Price

The original silk is very expensive due to its luxurious beauty and multiple uses.

Have A Look

It is a protein Its a carbohydrate

Consist of fibroin 80% and sericin 20% Also called Rayon fiber

lustrous shiny

Soft slippery

Expensive Low price

Make ashes melt

The Inside Story: Differences in Production Methods

One of the most significant distinctions between real silk and fake silk is their production methods. Real silk is produced by silkworms, which are carefully raised and nurtured to produce cocoons. Fake silk, in contrast, is produced through chemical processes and does not involve the use of silkworms.

The Feel Test: Differences In Physical Properties

Another significant difference between real and fake silk is its physical properties. Real silk is known for its soft, smooth, and lustrous texture, as well as its high tensile strength and durability. Fake silk, on the other hand, is generally less soft and less durable than real silk. It has a glossy and shiny appearance but can feel rough and stiff to the touch.

Cleaning Up: Differences In Care

When it comes to caring, real silk is a delicate fabric that requires special care to preserve its beauty and strength.It should be hand-washed or dry-cleaned and ironed on a low-heat setting. Fake silk, on the other hand, can be washed and dried in a machine and ironed in a high-heat setting. 

The Bottom Line: Differences In Price

Price-wise, real silk is generally more expensive than fake silk. This is because real silk is a natural fiber that is produced through a labor-intensive process, while fake silk is produced through chemical processes and is less expensive to produce.


In conclusion, real silk and fake silk are two vastly different fabrics with distinct properties and production methods.It's crucial to be aware of the distinctions between the two to ensure that you get the best quality and value for your money when buying silk products. By understanding the differences between real and fake silk, you can make an informed decision and purchase a product that meets your needs and preferences.Whether you're looking for a luxurious silk robe or a soft silk scarf, knowing how to spot the real deal will help you make a purchase you'll love for years to come.


  • BurnTest

  • LabTest

  • RingTest

  • KinestheticTest

The Burn Test  

This is not a safe or recommended method for determining the authenticity of silk fabric. Burning fabric can release harmful chemicals and there is always a risk of fire. Additionally, the smell of burning fabric may not be a reliable indicator of its authenticity as different types of silk may have different smells when burned. It's always better to use a more safe, more accurate and more professional method for identifying the authenticity of silk fabric such as consulting a professional textile expert, checking for specific characteristics of the fabric, or using a microscope to examine the fibers.

Things required for a burn test

  • Amatch stick

  • Silk cloth

  • Agood sense of smell

Steps To Perform Burn Test 

First is to burn a single thread of silk and observe the smell and ashes. Real silk will have a burnt hair smell and black, crispy ashes, while fake silk will have a burning paper smell and soft, chalk-like ashes. Cellulosic fibers (cotton, linen, and rayon) burn rapidly with a yellow flame

Things Require To Perform Lab Test

  • Asilk cloth

  • Apolystyrene

  • Chemical sodium hypochlorite

We will tell you how to distinguish your silk. we'll take a small piece of silk floss. You can see that it's very strong. Its non-fiber marble silk has a very good quality. We will put it in to the sodium hypochlorite, which is a major component of aid for disinfectant. Now let's put the silk flush in the liquid and see if there are any changes. We will keep stirring the silk floss. You can see that the silk floss is melting. As we know the major composition of marble silk is protein and the protein will be made in sodium hypochlorite, thus the silk floss will also melt in the liquid. You can see that the silk flush is disappearing now. Now let's try the silk fabric. We will take a small piece of yoga fabric to do the test. The sealth read from the silk fabric now lets put the circle thread into the liquid. Now only stirring you can see that the silk's red disappears very quickly. Now we can see the silk floss and the silk thread, they all melt in the liquid. This is a small piece of polystyrene. You can see that the fiber is very short, it's not strong and I can take it apart very easily. Now let's put the polystyrene into the sodium hypochlorite. After stirring there's still no change it's because the polystyrene will not melt in the sodium hypochlorite.

The Ring Test

This is a method that can be used to identify the authenticity of silk fabric, but it is not fool proof. Real silk is smooth and slippery, and it should glidethrough the ring with no issues. Synthetic fibers, on the other hand, are often rougher and may get caught on the ring or bunch up. However, this test may notwork for all silk fabrics. Some silk fabrics may be treated with chemicals or have a different weave that makes them rougher and may not glide through thering smoothly. Additionally, some synthetic fibers can mimic the feel of silk and may also glide through the ring. It's always better to use multiple method so if identification and consult a professional textile expert to confirm theauthenticity of silk fabric.

Steps To Perform Kinesthetic Test  

To tell if silk is real or fake, you canuse a few different methods. One method is the kinesthetic test, which involvesfeeling the silk and listening for a crunching sound, similar to stepping onfresh snow.

Touch and feel

Another method is to observe the weight anddraping of the silk. Real silk is usually heavier and drapes more smoothly thanfake silk. You can also check for a selvage, which is a finished edge on thesilk, indicating it is not synthetic or fake silk. It is always best to buysilk from a reputable store or shop where you are sure it is authentic.

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