Best 25mm Mulberry Silk Bedding



Promeed 25mm Silk Sheets

Best 25mm Mulberry Silk Bedding

Top Editors' Choice

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A momme measures the density of a silk surface, so, in essence, the thicker the fabric, the better the quality. For silk pillowcase a momme weight of 19-30 is considered good quality.

Grade A silk is the best choice for silk floss that does not break so you can unravel it beautifully. We always select 6A to 6A+ grade silk floss for all of our products.

25mm 6A+ silk bedding is our top-grade product that combines luxury and durability. Wild size option from Twin to Califonia King.


3 件產品


特價25mm 6A+ Silk Fitted Sheet - promeedsilk25mm 6A+ Silk Fitted Sheet - promeedsilk
25mm 6A+ 100% Mulberry Silk Fitted Sheet 促銷價$449.99 原價$562.49
特價25mm 6A+ Silk Fitted Sheets Set 3pcs - promeedsilk25mm 6A+ Silk Fitted Sheets Set 3pcs - promeedsilk
特價23mm 6A+ Silk Duvet Cover - promeedsilk23mm 6A+ Silk Duvet Cover - promeedsilk
25mm 6A+ 100% Mulberry Silk Duvet Cover 促銷價$679.99 原價$755.59